Category Archives: MMXLII Babies

MMXLII Baby of the Week [6.29.2012]

Briana: African-American [mom] + Dominican [dad]

Remember you can vote for our MMXLII Baby of the week by visiting our Pinterest board and liking, commenting or just repinning one of our MMXLII Babies.  The pin with the most activity will be chosen as our MMXLII Baby of the Week every Friday.

MMXLII Baby of the Week [6.22.2012]

This week’s pick is Juliana B who is Jamaican + Colombian + Irish Dutch.  You can see all the wonderful MMXLII Baby picks on our MMXLII Babies pinterest board.  Each week we highlight the child with the most repins and/or likes.

MMXLII Baby of the Week [6.15.2012] | Kaylin Chavez

Kaylin Chavez: Mexican + Chinese + Vietnamese + German

Remember to check out our Pinterest board to see our other MMXLII Babies.  The child with the most repins and/or likes will be chosen as our MMXLII Baby of the Week.


MMXLII Baby of the Week: Hannah Alyssa Lerman

Our pick of the week is Hannah.  Mom is half Thai and a mix of Turkish, Azerbaijani, Russian, Albanian and Armenian and dad is Polish, Russian and Lithuanian American.  Check out our Pinterest board MMXLII Babies and like to vote for your favorite.  You never know they might be our next MMXLII Baby of the Week.


Bella Ayele Mensah : 1/2 Filipino (mother) + 1/4 Grenadian x 1/4 Ghanaian (father)


MMXLII BABY of THE WEEK [4.25.2012]

No background information on this kid but he was a winner around these parts…so here we are.  We’ll be taking submissions soon but for now make sure to check out our MMXLII Babies board on Pinterest.  Starting this week, the pins with the most likes and repins will be chosen for next week’s “MMXLII Baby of the Week.